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Chapter 43 : Poetry : The box of chocolates

I found a box, wrapped with grace, Gold and black, a dream’s embrace. Ribbons weaved in a pretty sight, Softly glowing in the light. A sudden call, my father's tone, "Open it, it is for you!" I pulled the ribbons, soft and slow, Letting the magic gently flow. With each layer, A treasure waiting to unfold, Chocolates gleamed of dark, white, and milk. I felt like a child again, A child who gets excited over chocolates. But in that gift, it wasn’t about the sweet, It was the love that made it complete. My heart knew well, it wasn’t the treat, But my father’s care that made it beat. Thank you, Dad, for all you do, For every gift that whispers "you."
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Chapter 42 : Poetry : All I want is to heal

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Chapter 41: Poetry : Frocks or Jeans

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Chapter 40: School trip and cupcakes

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Chapter 39 : Poetry : Wishlist

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