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Chapter 18: That thief steals time!

 "Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him."- Charles 

Procrastination is something that most people are intimately familiar with. It’s that subtle habit of putting things for the next day or until the very last minute. We often find excuses. It might be saying that we need more time or waiting for the mood to set us right. Procrastination is a battle between what we know we should do and what we actually end up doing. It’s easy to justify and often goes unnoticed until deadlines suddenly appears and the pressure is inescapable.

For me, procrastination has been a long-standing companion, especially in my academic life. Whether it’s a college assignment or a personal project, I find myself drawn to distractions that promise temporary relief. Scrolling through social media, binge-watching shows, or even indulging in chores suddenly seem far more appealing when there’s an important task to be done. The act of delaying often starts innocently, but it quickly spirals into a pattern of stress, self-doubt, and a rush to meet deadlines.

Procrastination often arise from a fear of failure or perfectionism. Sometimes, I find myself avoiding a task simply because I’m afraid of not doing it perfectly. Rather than confronting the challenge, it feels easier to push it aside, telling myself that "I’ll be in a better state of mind tomorrow". But, as many procrastinators will attest, that ideal moment never arrives. Instead, it results in a cycle of avoidance, guilt, and anxiety.

The stress from constantly working under pressure takes a toll on mental well-being. I’ve experienced this firsthandly, the panic of realizing I’ve left too much to do with too little time. It’s a feeling that is both frustrating and disheartening because I know that if I had only started earlier, I could have produced something better. 

However, recognizing the problem is the first step to overcoming it. I’ve started to realize that procrastination isn’t just about poor time management; it’s about addressing hidden emotional and mental blocks. I try to break down tasks into manageable pieces, I’m learning to combat the urge to delay. Additionally, self-compassion plays a huge role. Instead of berating myself for procrastinating, I’m trying to understand the reasons behind it and gradually change my habits.

Procrastination may be the thief of time, but it doesn’t have to be an obstacle. With awareness and discipline, it’s possible to break the cycle and regain control over both time and productivity. Let us try not to let that thief steal more of our precious time. 


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