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Showing posts from September, 2024

Chapter 28 : Poetry : Tiaras and Angel wings

In the corner, dusted yet bright, Lies a pair of wings, feathered white, Once worn with joy, pure and free, In skits of grace and memory. A tiara perched on tangled hair, Glittering bright despite it's age. Angel wings, soft and light, Carried dreams that took flight. Church bells rang, voices soared, In those wings, a heart adored. I danced, I played, with a crown unseen, In the eyes of God, I was an angel. Now, they rest, aged but dear, Whispering stories I still hear. Of innocence, laughter, and things, Of tiaras and angel wings. My angel wings will always be dear, To the child inside me who misses the past.

Chapter 27 : Mom's marble cake

I still remember being distracted by that aroma – the smell of freshly made cake batter. The mixture of vanilla essence and cocoa powder. I used to walk up to my mom and ask if I could help her with mixing the batter. Instead of the electric beater, she would give me a whisk with a small handle. I loved mixing it.  Since she specializes in marble cake, there would always be a bowl of vanilla batter and a bowl of chocolate batter. I remember choosing to mix the chocolate batter so I could sneak in my fingers and lick it. When my mom caught me, I would claim I was just checking the taste. My mom, being the sweetheart she is, would just smile at me and let me do as I wished. Then came the baking part. Since I loved marble cupcakes, my mom would save a small amount of batter to make a cupcake for me. We would then put the baking dish in the oven. My mom would ask me to study while we waited, but I could only pretend to do so because all I could think about was that delicious marble cake. I

Chapter 26: Poetry : The Art of eye contact

Can one glance give you relief? Can one smile show you happiness? When two pairs of eyes lock, Two worlds collide, and time stops. It brings a euphoric spark, A thousand stories held in those lights. No need for words, no need for gestures, Truths are shared just from that sight. It's a dance of courage and fear, To truly look at the one who is loved. A blink of a second, an endless stay,   In that gaze, night turns to day. In the art of seeing and being seen, when eyes finally meet, There comes relief, washing over you, To finally see the person, For whom you have been waiting. The universe interlaces with eyes, Hearts rejoice with love.

Chapter 25 : Poetry : Those colour pencils

In that box, lie those beautiful colors, My memories stored in each hue. A rainbow compressed in wood, Dreaming of the day it can be free again. All I needed was that one box, Cause it always brought me joy. Those colors painted my emotions, Revealing to me the essence of creativity. To sketch, to trace, to shade, From rough ends to fine points, They touched my paper with each stroke, Leaving behind art and a thoughtful mind. These wooden sticks recorded my imperfections, Guided my hand, helped me grow. Each color held a story, A glimpse of who I once was. Some are too small for my hands now, Remnants of a time I’ve outgrown, Whether fully or partially, They still remain a part of me. No matter what, Those color pencils brought a happiness,. Nothing else could ever match.

Chapter 24 : Poetry - The richest scent

That scent, Yes, that scent which is powerful, From the yellow papers of the dusty shelves,  Bringing back the past and guiding the future. That scent reminds me of my purpose, The path I chose to move through, It is a fragrance that roots me deep, That makes me,' A better me.' It evokes knowledge and pleasure, Bittersweet pain and sorrow too. Stories are made, tales are reborn, Histories remembered, morals reminded. The ink and paper intertwined, Each page stitched with utmost care, Bound with craftsman's grace, Where time and memories interlace.  Lost in scent, I remind myself that, It is the most beautiful scent to ever exist. This richest scent to me, truely is "bibliosmia".

Chapter 23 : Poetry - My love, the moon.

My love, the moon. I starred deep into your glorious aura, You shined brighter than any other creation,  Have you ever lied to me, my dearest? You did, right? You definitely did. Last week you didn’t even whisper a word,  hiding behind your veil of shadows. I waited, longing for your light to touch my face, But you left me in darkness with nothing around. You say you are constant, But you change, don’t you? Last week you were gone The week before, you were nowhere to be seen, Will you dissappear again?  Fading from my sight when I need you the most. Yet even in your absence, I still search for you in the night sky, Hoping to catch a glimpse of your silver glow. For despite your fleeting nature, I can't help but love you more with each phase. You return, always, with promises untold, "For your beauty, my love, the moon, Is enough to make me believe again."

Chapter 22 : Poetry - Glazed with rain

I woke up to the pitter-patter of rain, Welcomed by the fresh petrichor from the lane. I strolled through my home’s familiar doors, Drawn outside by the gentle downpour. Admiring the flowers, kissed by dew, And my pots, now glazed anew, My mind began to ease, stress floated away, By nature’s balm, this rainy day. I wandered through puddles, feet bare and light, Each step a dance in the morning's pretty rays of light. The clouds whispered secrets as winds softly blew, And the world seemed refreshed, beginning a new. With raindrops falling like nature's own composition, I feel belonged here, where peace feels strong. In this quiet moment, with skies over my mind, I realised my calm and my troubles, lastly has passed. 

Chapter 21 : Poetry - Dear Flower

Dear Flower, Through the window came the ray, Piercing through glass to find its way, Upon the pot where you would bloom, Amid the silence of my room. A fragile bud, so close to wilt, Yet with some water softly spilt, You lifted up with graceful power, And bloomed into a beautiful flower. Your beauty shone, a sight divine, More radiant than any kind, You loved the sun, embraced the rain, And danced in joy through joy and pain. You gave to me a gift so pure, A love that time would not offer, With every petal, soft and bright, You filled my heart with endless light. Now when I see you standing there, I find a love beyond compare, For in your bloom, I see the truth, That love can heal and bring new youth.

Chapter 20 : Poetry - The two paths.

I stand in front of two roads today, Not sure which one will lead the way. One seems safe, the other seems unknown,  I don't know which one to choose, My mind has me loose. Reminds me of my chess match,  Every step I took mattered, The moves were mine to make, May it be for losing or winning. My mind says one, my heart says two, Both paths are there, what should I do? No guide, no map, no easy clue, Just trust myself to see it through. Debates of my mind doesn't help me, Do I trust the right way? I don't think so. Each step I take, a new surprise awaits, With every choice, I learn and learn,  No wrong or right, just ways to grow, In every turn, a new one will show. I keep learning and I keep growing. I choose to rise and repeat, until the very end.

Chapter 19 : Poetry - Grace in her eyes.

I heard the rustling of leaves and the gentle wind, Soon felt the drops, reaching the shops. There I saw a girl with a helping heart and a kind smile, Whose happiness lay in the joy of her customers. She was thankful for all that she had, Finding joy in each moment, every little thought. Her hands moved gently, arranging the wares; Each had a story, each full of care. With every greeting, she spread warmth and light, Turning mundane exchanges into pure delight. In the rhythm of life, with laughter and chatter, She recognized the magic in what truly mattered. A word of kindness, a shared cup of tea, In these simple moments, she felt truly free. Through storms and sunshine, her spirit remained, Holding onto the hope for a better world. For gratitude was a powerful thread, Weaving connections that nourished the heart and fed. So, with each rustle of leaves and the rain’s gentle song, She danced through the day, knowing where she belonged. In her humble shop, under skies vast and wide, She

Chapter 18: That thief steals time!

 "Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him."- Charles  Procrastination is something that most people are intimately familiar with. It’s that subtle habit of putting things for the next day or until the very last minute. We often find excuses. It might be saying that we need more time or waiting for the mood to set us right. Procrastination is a battle between what we know we should do and what we actually end up doing. It’s easy to justify and often goes unnoticed until deadlines suddenly appears and the pressure is inescapable. For me, procrastination has been a long-standing companion, especially in my academic life. Whether it’s a college assignment or a personal project, I find myself drawn to distractions that promise temporary relief. Scrolling through social media, binge-watching shows, or even indulging in chores suddenly seem far more appealing when there’s an important task to be done. The act of delaying often starts innocently, but it quickly spirals into

Chapter 17: Self control

Self-control is often viewed as one of the most powerful emotions we possess. It is the ability to understand and steer our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and behaviors in the face of temptation or distraction. It may sound simple when put into words, in practice but self-control is one of the most challenging qualities to develop. Mastering it can have huge effects on both personal and professional aspects of our lives. It allows us to make better decisions, resist distractions, and ultimately achieve our long-term goals. Growing up, we are constantly reminded of the importance of discipline, whether it’s through doing our homework on time, resisting the urge to eat sweets before the main meal or sticking to a fixed budget. These may seem like small acts of control, but each one shapes our ability to control life better with a clear sense of the surrounding. Self-control requires us to look beyond the immediate and focus on the bigger picture, teaching us patience and persistence. I’ve

Chapter 16: Vivid description

Today, we were given a small task by our professor, that is to write a vivid description of the person sitting next to us. Let me write mine. I heard footsteps and looked up to see her walking into the classroom. She wore a blue kurti, her pretty jhumkas perfectly complementing her outfit. Delicate rings adorned both of her hands, adding a touch of grace. Her hair was elegantly styled into a side ponytail which was simple yet beautiful. She smiled and waved at me, her presence instantly lighting up the room. I waved back, feeling the warmth of her easygoing nature wash over me. She sat down beside me, her eyes wandering as if searching for someone. With effortless grace, she reached into her bag to pull out her phone. What I admire most about her is her carefree spirit. She doesn’t follow trends or worry about what others think of her. She takes up all the negativity and somehow makes it all positive, with her presence. As she smiled at me, cracking a few jokes, I couldn’t help but be

Chapter 15: Power of Gentleness

"Nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing is so gentle as real strength."_Saint Francis de Sales. In a world that often equates strength with dominance and assertiveness, gentleness can be misunderstood as a sign of weakness. Yet, as I’ve grown and experienced more of life, I’ve come to realize that true strength often lies in the softest of touches, the kindest of words, and the most patient of actions. Gentleness is not about being timid or passive; it’s about choosing compassion over aggression, kindness over harshness, even when it’s difficult. Being gentle is not as easy as it sounds, it requires a huge amount of patience and self control. I realised this when, my friend, who was caught up in trouble due to a false accusation remained calm and peaceful, and explained the situation to the teachers without violence or harsh words, which ended up solving the problem in a gentle way. Her strength came not from overpowering, but from managing the tension of the situation w

Chapter 14: Nature, your teacher

"Come forth into the light of the things, let nature be your teacher."_ William Wordsworth.  Nature can teach us the most meaningful, virtuous and beautiful life lessons that no other shall . Nature has always been a silent mentor to me, offering lessons that no textbook or classroom could. Its intricate balance has shaped my understanding of life in ways I never expected. When I reflect on the times, I look outside my window and observe everything around me_the trees, the birds, the flowers and many more. I realize that nature is more than just a backdrop to our existence—it is a teacher, guiding me through its examples. One of the most profound lessons I’ve learned from nature is the art of balance. Nature runs on harmony. The sun, rain, wind, and earth work together in perfect way sustain life. The plants don’t hoard nutrients, the animals don’t take more than they need, and even the seasons know when to retreat and when to show up. Observing this has made me realize the i

Chapter 13: Marks are just numbers

  "Don't let a bad grade define your intelligence, let it refine your strategy."-Unknown. Growing up, I was taught that success was measured in numbers the marks you scored in school, the grades you achieved, the rank you held. It felt like a race, one where I had to constantly keep up, if not outpace others. Each test, every exam became a way to define my worth. The pressure to perform was heavy, not just from teachers and peers, but also from myself. When I was not able to score high marks I felt like I was failing everybody around me because that is what I was taught in school. Our educational system,at a young age forces students to focus on gaining marks rather than focusing on what they like or what they are good at. I remember how a bad grade could ruin my entire mood, and how a good one could momentarily fill me with happiness and pride. But as I moved through school and into college, I started questioning this system. How could a single test, or even a series of

Chapter 12: The beauty of colours

There is something mesmerizing about colors. They stir the senses, evoke emotions, and bring meaning to everything around us. Colors aren’t just visual; they’re emotional, personal, and deeply connected with our lives in ways that we often overlook. Each color holds its own story, its own feeling, and its own ability to paint the world in ways words never can. For me, colors are like silent companions that walk with me through the dark . They define moods, they capture memories, and they express what words sometimes fail to. Think of the deep blue ocean, a color that seems to hold both mystery and peace at the same time. When I stare into that expanse of blue, I’m reminded of the feeling of being small, yet deeply connected to something vast and timeless. It’s a color that speaks of both adventure and serenity, a thing that I find endlessly comforting. And then there’s green, the color of life itself. Growing up, I would spend hours staring at the trees swaying in the breeze, amazed at

Chapter 11: Story of Berry and honey

My friend shared this hilarious story with me, and I couldn't stop laughing, so I thought I'd share it with you. She was strolling down the street, casually glancing at all the stores, hotels, and shopping malls when suddenly, a craving hit her like a lightning bolt — chicken biriyani! Unable to resist, she made a quick run to a nearby biriyani shop. But just as she was about to order, a thought struck her: "Wait a minute, didn't I just have chicken biriyani last week... and the week before that?" She realized that maybe spending more money on yet another plate of biriyani wasn't the most financially responsible choice. “I should really use my money for something more useful,” she thought. So, with the noble intention of saving money, she stepped out of the shop. That’s when her eyes landed on a pet adoption center right across the street. And somehow, in a twist of logic that only she could comprehend, she decided, “If I can’t have chicken biriyani, I’ll just

Chapter 10: A Journey of cultural adaptation

" Belonging is the delicate balance between honouring where you come from and  embracing where you are."_ Anonymous . Growing up as a Malayali girl in Chennai, I constantly felt a difference between my home life and my school life. At home, we watched Malayalam movies and listened to Malayalam songs, but at school, my friends talked about Tamil songs and movies, which I wasn't familiar with. No matter how hard I tried, I never felt fully included in their conversations. My food was different too, and while everyone loved it because it was unique, it also set me apart. I remember teachers asking about the Kerala rice I brought, which was much larger than theirs. While people often asked me for Onam treats or Kerala special foods, I appreciated the curiosity but there were times when I felt lonely and left out. I often wished for a Malayali friend who would make me feel included. But after the COVID-19 pandemic, things changed. I started watching Tamil movies, listening to

Chapter 9: Is it too late?

“No matter how far you have gone on the wrong road, you can always turn around.” — Turkish Proverb  It is never too late to change your goals or dreams and move toward a different path, but doing so requires a magical ingredient that is  time. I’ve heard people say it’s never too late to start over, but lately, I’ve been wondering if that’s true. Whenever I made a mistake, my mom would tell me, “Don’t worry, you have time.” I used to believe her — that I could always catch up, always fix things. But now, in college, I’m starting to question if I really do have time. When I got here, I had this idea of how things would go, I’d figure out my career path, find my people, and get on track towards the perfect future. But it hasn’t been like that at all. I’ve changed my goals multiple times and had days where I felt completely lost. Every time I see my friends who seem to know exactly what they want, I wonder, “Is it too late for me to figure it out?” I talked about this with a friend, and s

Chapter 8: I trust you!

"To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved" _George Mac Donald.  Trust is a deeply beautiful word for an emotion that involves two people bound together by a silent agreement to open their hearts and be vulnerable, showing their true selves. We might say "I love you" to every person we are friends with, but saying "I trust you" is something different. It is more divine and bonded by an unseen thread. Trust shows us how to walk in somebody's shoes and be empathetic. To me, personally, trust is more than just an expression. When you give a piece of yourself to another person, you accept them and believe that they will take care of it without misusing it, which requires a kind of acceptance that is immense. Trust also requires respect. Knowing a person deeply shows their true side; no matter what they are going through, you must be able to respect them and comfort them through their dark times. Trust is earned over time, through countless mem

Chapter 7: Living in the moment

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, which is why we call it the present"- Bil Keane This quote beautifully captures the idea that the present is indeed a gift, one we often fail to recognize and appreciate. Living in the moment is not just about capturing photographs; it's about rooting these experiences deeply into our core memory. It's about fully embracing every present moment, whether it brings us joy or sorrow, and treasuring it. I've noticed that the older generation seems to live in the moment more than we do. When they attend a concert or a program, they are less concerned with capturing the perfect photo or video for social media. Instead, they focus on observing everything around them, interacting with others, and truly experiencing the event. They are fully present, engaging all their senses in the experience.  On the other hand, we often get caught up in trying to capture everything. We take countless photos and videos, often

Chapter 6: Jar of blessings

"What seems to us bitter trials are often blessings in disguise"- Oscar Wilde. Today, while I was in church, I heard the Sunday school children singing, "Count your blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done." This beautiful song captures the essence of what I want to share today. Instead of focusing on our problems, we should start counting our blessings. Often, the challenges we face turn out to be blessings in disguise. At first, I didn’t realize it, but getting into MCC was one of those blessings. It wasn't part of my plan, and at the time, it felt like a setback. But now, I see it differently. Sometimes, the things that seem like our greatest problems can become our biggest blessings. To truly embrace this mindset, we should start a simple practice: write down one thing we are grateful for, or one blessing we recognize, every day and place it in a jar. Then, at the end of the year, we can read through all of these notes

Chapter 5: Misunderstanding

"Misunderstandings are the inevitable wounds of imperfect communication"_ Bryan McGill. The greatest misunderstandings in life arise when we fail to communicate clearly and expect others to read our minds. There have been many situations where I have been misunderstood, not because of how others interpreted my words, but because of my own mistakes in phrasing things correctly. Just yesterday, I made a statement that was misunderstood, and instead of correcting it and explaining what I actually meant, I went along with it, refusing to admit I was wrong. These kinds of small misunderstandings can change how people perceive you and diminish the respect they have for you. When college started, I expected everyone to understand me even when I didn’t express myself clearly because my friends in school always did. I now realize there is nothing wrong with admitting I was wrong. I’ve always had a good reputation wherever I go, and I foolishly assumed people would always interpret my

Chapter 4 :Art of perfectionism

"Perfectionism is the enemy of progress."-Winston S Churchhill. ☆ Perfectionism is the pursuit of excellence and flawlessness in any task given to you.  Personally, I have been a perfectionist ever since I was a child. I try to make everything around me perfect. When I write an assignment or a draw picture even the tiniest mistakes affect me and make me redo it. I considered it as a motivation to set my standards high but as time passed by I realised that, it is not true. Instead of moving on from the mistake and have a progress, it made me stay there and correct it until it's perfect. That put in a lot of pressure and it started destroying my joy of progressing. Now, I do my tasks correctly and on time but at the same time, I started accepting that everything in life cannot be perfect or flawless. Same with the people around you, Nobody can be perfect. Everybody at some point of their lives try to perfect themselves too much, not being satisfied with themselves or their

Chapter 3: Little things matter

"Sometimes it's the little things that make life worth living"- Nadine Gordimer Noticing and appreciating the little things around you can make a huge difference in your life. They say "the bigger, the better," but that's not always true. Sometimes, noticing the small details around you, can bring a kind of joy that big things can never offer. A hot cup of coffee made by your mom, a smile from a stranger, or a compliment from a loved one—little things like these make your heart happy. When someone listens to you with genuine interest, or when they notice that you're not feeling well just by looking at you, you feel loved and cared for Imagine your day like this: You wake up and start the day with a smile. You drink a hot cup of coffee and thank your mom for making it. You enjoy your delicious breakfast. You start traveling, and your auto driver says "thank you". You get on the bus and find a seat while many others are left standing. You give up

Chapter 2: Pain behind every smile

For the people who think life is unfair, "The prettiest smiles hide the deepest secrets. The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears, and the kindest hearts have felt the most pain"- A beautiful soul. Behind every smile there is a hidden story. I had a teacher who had an immense amount of positivity in her. She always wore a beautiful smile on her face. She loved teaching her students and put in maximum effort to everything she did. Seeing her being so positive, I thought she didn't have much trials in life and I wished I was like her. Was that the reality? No!.  One day, we had a personal conversation with her and we realised how melancholic her life was. She narrated an incident where she was on the verge of losing her life and she talked about the other issues she had to encounter everyday of her life, which was not something we would imagine her having. She hid all the pain with a smile. I still remember asking her jokingly, "Should I write a book based on your

Chapter 1: Embracing Self Awareness

Let me begin my first blog with a quote, " Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom"- Aristotle  I am Alena, I am a normal girl with ordinary talents. If that is the way I introduce myself, what makes me different and what makes me unique?  Most of the people including myself, become insecure and shy away from challenges life has in store because of not being self-aware of their potential. Self awareness plays a major role in personal growth and well being of a person. We need to understand and keep track of our strengths and weaknesses. Our strength could end up turning into our weakness and our weakness could end up being our strength later. An example from my life: In school, I had a hard time making friends which I considered as a flaw, In college I don't find that as an issue which ends up being my strength. I remember starting a personal diary to jot down my emotions and instead of writing what I truly felt, I wrote as if somebody would read it. That is not t